Soil and excavated Rocks
Sampling and analysis of soil and excavated rocks pursuant to table 4.1 of the Presidential Decree 120/2017
- Skeleton and fixed residue
- Arsenic
- Cadmium
- Cobalt
- Nickel
- Lead
- Cooper
- Zinc
- Mercury
- Hydrocarbons C > 12
- Total Chromium
- Chromium VI
- Asbestos
- BTEX (*)
- PAHs (*)
(*) To be conducted in the event that the excavation area is 20 metres from large road infrastructures and constructions that may have affected the characteristics of the site by falling atmospheric emissions. The analytes to look for are the
ones listed in columns A and B, Table 1, Annex 5, Part Four, Chapter V, of Legislative Decree no. 152 of 3 April 2006
Soil and Subsoil
Sampling and testing of soil to for any pollutant contamination (residential and industrial limits) shown in table 1 of annex
5 to chapter V of Part IV of Leg. Decree 152/2006 and in Ministerial Decree 46/2019: regulation regarding reclamation,
environmental recovery and containment, emergency, operational and permanent interventions of areas allocated to agricultural production and animal husbandry.
- Hydrocarbons C<12, C>12
- Asbestos
- Chlorinated Compounds
- Organostannic Compounds
- Metals
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Pesticides
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- Dioxins, Furans and Dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs)
- Phenols and Chlorophenols
Marine Sediments
The LAV Laboratory provides a qualified service of managing MARINE SEDIMENT characterisation activities in accordance with Ministerial Decree 173/2016 that introduced the modes and technical criteria for the immersion of seabed
excavation matter in the sea. The LAV Laboratory offers full technical support in managing this activity: intervention planning; sampling; testing and
monitoring plan management.
- Granulometry
- Mineralogy
- Metals and trace elements
- Organostannic Compounds
- Hydrocarbons C>12
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Pesticides
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- Dioxins, Furans and Dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs)
- Ecotoxicology Analysis
Mobile Laboratory

LAV Mobile Laboratories are vehicles internally equipped
with laboratory testing equipment, sophisticated scientific equipment and devices required to manage samples, all designed to conduct “on-site” chemical tests”. The mobile
laboratories can quickly provide the necessary answers to companies working on reclamation, land classification, soil contamination status verifications or emergency environmental interventions, allowing them to make the right decisions with considerable saving of both time and financial
Mobile vehicles can operate with full autonomy in areas not reached by the electrical grid as they all possess electricity generators. The analyses are carried out by skilled, qualified technical staff.
I Laboratori Mobili sono dotati delle seguenti strumentazioni:
- GC/MS e GC/FID con autocampionatori
- Accessori vari per attività di laboratorio e dispositivi di sicurezza
- Generatore di corrente
- PC
- GC/MS e GC/FID con autocampionatori
- Generatore di idrogeno
- Gas Tecnici
- Stampante/Scanner