Drinking Water
Sampling and testing of drinking water, in accordance with the limits set by Legislative Decree 31/2001 on the criteria
for the quality of water destined for human consumption.
In addition to chemical (metals, hydrocarbons, acrylamide etc…) and microbiological (Escherichia coli, Enterococci,
Legionella, etc…) testing as provided for by law, LAV can also conduct contaminants research, including:
- PFCs (perfluorocarbon compounds, such as: PFAS; PFOS; etc..)
- Antibiotics
- Hormones
Sampling and testing of groundwater for any pollutant contamination shown in table 2 of annex 5 to chapter V of Part IV of Leg. Decree 152/2006
- Total Hydrocarbons as n-hexane
- Solvents
- Chlorinated Compounds
- Nitrobenzenes
- Metals
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Pesticides
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- Dioxins, Furans and Dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs)
- Phenols and Chlorophenols
Surface Water
Chemical and microbiological testing to determine the status of surface water, in accordance with Legislative Decree 172/2015
- Environmental quality standard in the water column and in the biota for substances included on the priority list (Table 1/A)
- Environmental quality standard in sediments in marine-coastal and transitional bodies of water (Table 2/A)
- Standard di qualità ambientale nei sedimenti nei corpi idrici marino-costieri e di transizione ai fini della selezione dei siti per l'analisi della tendenza (Tab. 3/A)
- Environmental quality standard in marine-coastal and transitional bodies of water for the purpose of selecting trend analysis sites (Tab. 3/A)
With its high-quality testing protocols, LAV carries out sampling and testing of wastewater for any pollutant contamination
shown in table 3 of annex 5 to chapter V of Part IV of Leg. Decree 152/2006
- Wastewater limits in surface bodies of water
- Wastewater limits in public sewers
- Wastewater limits on the ground